Sorry have to disagree on this. Sol has pages and pages of crap mixed in the reports no one ever complains. RJ puts up posts that would rival war and peace a minimum of 10,000 words per post. So long - that reading them I get a headache. Dark at least puts in paragraph breaks and bullet points/numbers. I think he's gotten better than he used to be.
Lobster boy/big deal posts weather reports every day in a thread thats supposed to be fishing, and then comments on every single freaking post like he is Zane Grey and invented fishing. You got another guy that posts about every thing but fishing. The younger generation thinks when they have a boil on their ***, it's post worthy. In that reports thread they discuss almost everything else but fishing, even empanada recipes. No one ever complains over there - its like a free for all.
I'm registered on a few sites but don't post on any one but this. I like it here, good caliber of salts. Thanks dark, finchaser, clamchucker, bucket and all you guys that make this a good resource. I hate the whining and self-indulgent selfish wanna be report chaser striper fishermen that I have seen on some of the other sites. (Some sites are not that bad, though). It's winter and not many fishing out there. I live close to the water and sometimes its so cold its tough to push myself to get out, like this week. finchaser if you can go out every day and want to post fishing reports I will buy you an ice cream cone at dairy queen. Otherwise I think maybe we all need to lighten up a bit. My opinion.