Quote Originally Posted by Monty View Post
I remember one morning I was fishing and walking to a different spot and I see a guy standing next to a 4 foot x 6 foot piece of Styrofoam.
All of a sudden I see him take out his knife and go medieval on it .
Only thing I can equate this to is someone who has Tourettes syndrome, except with a knife.
Anyone fishing with a guy like that should keep a good 6-10 feet from him at all times. Maybe some kind of non-mugging/self defense tactic?
Its a crazy world we fish in.
Yep I agree, that's a dangerous guy, not to be trusted.....
Do ya think it was possible, that he lost the end cap to his rod when he set it down in the styrofoam....to take a leak? and THAT'S what he was digging into the styrofoam for?

Either way, a guy like that sounds unbalanced.... someone you would definitely not want to fish with.....and avoid at all costs....