Quote Originally Posted by DarkSkies View Post
1. The friend I was fishing with dropped his good pliers recently one night on the bay flats....I dove into 3 1/2' of water to find them and miraculously did get them back for him....spending the rest of the night with wet ba**s because water got past my wader belt.....Oh what a glorious feeling.

2. Last night, the beginning of Sept, a horseshoe crab tried to hump my wading boot. The water was slightly murky. The first time I recognized it and kicked it away with my boot. Within 2 seconds something was back humping my foot again. Since I know they are slow moving, I didn't realize it was the crab being pushed by the current. I almost jumped out of my skin as I got hit the 2nd time in the inky blackness, overcast skies. I probably let out a high pitched scream as well. A few minutes later I'm berating myself for getting spooked by such a harmless creature. What a freaking goog I am sometimes.
1. My brother broke his crappy Schmidt pliers last year and has been too cheap to buy new ones. We were fishing on the yak this spring and he needed to borrow mine to unhook a fish so he comes over and I leash them to his kayak. Later on in the day when I ask him for them back he says "I gave them back to you". Turns out he unleashed them and dropped them overboard in 20ft of water.

Will you please dive down and find them for me? They were 7" Browing needle nose...and the best pliers I ever owned. I got them as a HS graduation gift 8 years ago and they were holding up great. I rarely ever rinsed them with freshwater. Sadly Browing just discontinued them last year so I am looking for a good replacement around the $30-$60 mark.

2. So sad about the horseshoe crab...and why are you still wearing waders in August? No wonder you stink!!!