Quote Originally Posted by DarkSkies View Post

2. Sorry, pal, almost every spot in the back bay is covered up with bugs....particularly the sedges.....skeeters, no see-ums, ticks.....it would be suicide not to wear waders and go barefoot...

.......except for those kinky freaks that get off when horseshoe crabs come to tickle their toes....
(That's another thing we forgot to mention about JB,....his public statements that he enjoys horseshoe crabs gathering to have sex with his feet)......
so which is worse.....Sleeping in port-a-johns and smelling a little bad at times? Or having a horseshoe crab fetish?
Going to go with the Porta-john story as being worse. Those Horseshoe crabs are relentless, after a while I just let them go to town on my wader boot. Now JB and his toes and Horseshoe crab thing, well that's a bit out there, but sleeping in the Porta-John (a clean one at that), is worse than playing toesies with Horseshoe crabs in my book.